sábado, 28 de junio de 2014

Tryin´On Clothes

I tried on the farmer's hat,                                                   
Didn't fit...
A little too small -- just a bit
Too floppy.
Couldn't get used to it,
Took it off.
I tried on the dancer's shoes,                                      
A little too loose.
Not the kind you could use
for walkin'.
Didn't feel right in 'em,
Kicked 'em off.

I tried on the summer sun,
Felt good.
Nice and warm -- knew it would.
Tried the grass beneath bare feet,
Felt neat.
Finally, finally felt well dressed,
Nature's clothes fit me best.

domingo, 15 de junio de 2014

Henos, por fin, de nuevo en la paz del hogar;
la casa toda espera, amable y familiar.
El poeta, feliz, descansa la mirada
en la vida, otra vez a vivir animado.
Por lejos que vayamos, por mucho que viajemos,
al viejo hogar tranquilo volver anhelaremos:
que al gozar las delicias del mundo nos enseña
a querer más y más la estrechez hogareña.

Campaña de Francia - Goethe