martes, 26 de marzo de 2019

we manage most when we manage small

What things are steadfast? Not the birds.
Not the bride and groom who hurry
in their brevity to reach one another.
The stars do not blow away as we do.
The heavenly things ignite and freeze.
But not as my hair falls before you.
Fragile and momentary, we continue.
Fearing madness in all things huge
and their requiring. Managing as thin light
on water. Managing only greetings
and farewells. We love a little, as the mice
huddle, as the goat leans against my hand.
As the lovers quickening, riding time.
Making safety in the moment. This touching
home goes far. This fishing in the air.

martes, 12 de marzo de 2019

para leer por la mañana y por la noche

Aquel al que yo amo
me ha dicho que me necesita.

Por eso
tengo mucho cuidado
miro bien dónde piso
y me causa temor
cada gota de lluvia
que pudiera matarme.